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High Class, Live or Dead

Identify the sound of these syllables.


Is this a live or dead sound?



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Remember, a syllable that ends in a stop final sound or a short vowel is a Dead Syllable. Dead syllables end abruptly.

And a syllable that ends in a sonorant final sound or a long vowel is a Live Syllable. A live syllable's sound resonates, it fades away more slowly.

Stop Finals
Short Vowels
Sonorant Finals
Long Vowels

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What's a High Class Consonant?

If you are still having trouble recognizing that the first letter of each syllable in our app above is from the High Class group, then you should return to the earlier section and study some more.

* Special Spellings

A silent can appear before the following eight low class consonants:

ง น ย ล ญ ม ร ว

When it does, the low class syllable takes on the rules of high class syllables. If a tone mark is used, it also follows the rule for high class, but the mark itself is placed of the low class consonant, not the silent .

Although the class of the initial consonant is officially considered low, in our lessons we will treat these words as high class syllables, since they follow the high class tone rules and it will be less confusing for you.

Lesson Navigation:

Application Settings:
Gender  (Recordings for your gender)
Transliterations  (Thai words in English)
Interpretations  (What the words mean)

More to come . . .

Active Thai is a work in progress, supported by our users. Please tell your friends!

Lesson Navigation:

More to come . . .

Active Thai is a work in progress, supported by our users. Please tell your friends!