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Low Class, Live or Dead

Identify the sound of these syllables.


Is this a live or dead sound?



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Remember, a syllable that ends in a stop final sound or a short vowel is a Dead Syllable. Dead syllables end abruptly.

And a syllable that ends in a sonorant final sound or a long vowel is a Live Syllable. Live syllables resonate, they fade away more slowly.

Stop Finals
Short Vowels
Sonorant Finals
Long Vowels

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Application Settings:
Gender  (Recordings for your gender)
Transliterations  (Thai words in English)
Interpretations  (What the words mean)

More to come . . .

Active Thai is a work in progress, supported by our users. Please tell your friends!

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More to come . . .

Active Thai is a work in progress, supported by our users. Please tell your friends!