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Tone Practice for Thai Syllables

Study the spelling, then select the tone.


Mid tone:
Low tone:
Falling tone:
High tone:
Rising tone:
Consult the tone rule chart to learn.

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Practice, practice

This is the final lesson in this section, and by now you should have a good understanding of the Thai alphabet, the tone marks and tone rules, and how to sound out words. You are now ready to put what you know to use with your first vocabulary words and practice dialogs. We encourage you to continue studying each new word by reading, writing, and typing, and return to this section often for more practice.

Lesson Navigation:

Application Settings:
Gender  (Recordings for your gender)
Transliterations  (Thai words in English)
Interpretations  (What the words mean)

More to come . . .

Active Thai is a work in progress, supported by our users. Please tell your friends!

Lesson Navigation:

More to come . . .

Active Thai is a work in progress, supported by our users. Please tell your friends!