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Study the Consonant Names

match the letter with its name

paw sǎm-pao

daw dèk

raw ruua

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More Practice

Use the next few applications to get more practice saying the names of the consonants. Remember, the quicker you can think the sound in your head, the quicker you will be able to read a Thai word. Consult the Thai consonant chart below as often as you need to, and one day soon, you won't need it anymore.

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Lesson Navigation:

Application Settings:
Gender  (Recordings for your gender)
Transliterations  (Thai words in English)
Interpretations  (What the words mean)

More to come . . .

Active Thai is a work in progress, supported by our users. Please tell your friends!

Lesson Navigation:

More to come . . .

Active Thai is a work in progress, supported by our users. Please tell your friends!